A colourful consumer-grade light-curing 3D printer for $1000

Colour 3d printer

Introduction: Consumer-grade light-curing3D printers are popular with many craft enthusiasts. However, as the field of light-curing printing applications becomes more and more extensive and users are constantly coming up with new ideas, a single colour printer is no longer enough to meet their needs, but colour inkjet 3D printers are very expensive. Is it possible to make desktop light-curing 3D printers that cost a few thousand dollars available in colour?

Down-range desktop-level light-curing 3D printer prints models with colour

 On December 30, 2021, Mohou.com learned that Shenzhen Blacktron Technology Co., Ltd (HITRY) has finally unlocked this new skill by digging deeper into the Rocket1 3D printer equipped with DCLF technology to achieve model printing with colour, and HITRY's colour printing will bring more creativity and playfulness. the HITRY team said. "We will match each customer with a colour kit, and we can currently achieve colour printing, with the prospect of full colour printing for desktop light-curing in the future."


Colour printing dragon


Advantages of colour printing with the Rocket1 3D printer.


(1) Enables printed models to have more dazzling colours, saying goodbye to the dullness and boredom of a single colour.

(2) Low cost, using the filling fluid developed by HITRY, only 100g of resin is needed to achieve colour printing without contaminating too much material.

(3) No need to purchase additional accessories to assist, Rocket 1 itself has the ability to print in colour and HITRY will provide a colour kit for customers.

(4) No additional wear and tear parts, no special maintenance required. Unlike inkjet printing, which can block the head and cause maintenance problems later on.

(5) For a few thousand dollars, you can experience the colour printing effect that only millions of light-curing devices can achieve, and the rocket 1 colour printing speed is faster.


A series of light-cured colour 3D prints


Another concern with this device is the price tag of only a few thousand dollars, with HITRY launching the DCLF light machine across the board at a twentieth of the price of a DLP.


At present, the DLP-dependent surface projection type of light curing technology has been monopolised by foreign countries, and the expensive price seriously restricts the development of light curing 3D printing in China, and also risks being stuck at any time. Many of the release films (FEP) used for LCD light curing are also imported from abroad, and not only are the bulk of the profits earned by foreign countries, but the environmental pollution caused by the non-decomposable release films after use cannot be underestimated.

HITRY's Rocket 1 with DCLF optical machine no longer depends on DLP optical engine, not subject to foreign constraints, and the price is only one twentieth of DLP, the use of DCLF technology can also reduce the consumption of a large number of release film and LCD wearing parts, greatly reducing plastic and electronic waste pollution of the environment, to protect the earth, to achieve "carbon neutral It is important to protect the earth and achieve "carbon neutrality".


Low-cost light-curing colour 3D printing work


Rocket1 sunken 3D printer, its technical features mainly include


1. Ultra-high cost performance, the Rocket 1 is equipped with DCLF Light Machine (Digital Light Continuous Liquid Forming) technology developed by a team of 3D printing innovators with 7 years of experience, and has a lifetime of 18,000 hours

2.Rocket 1 printing speed up to 420mm/H, 20-60 times faster than traditional light-curing printers, is the world's fastest consumer-grade sinking 3D printer, and its development potential is huge, its principle is expected to exceed 1000mm/H.


3. RocKet 1 has a 35 micron XY resolution, can easily print complex holes of 0.2mm, can pass gas and liquids can flow normally.

4. Colour printing, the RocKet 1 has the ability to print in colour that other conventional light-cured printers do not have.

6. The RocKet 1 sinker is unaffected by gravity and peel-off forces (liquids are buoyant) and can print on highly transparent and elastic insoles etc.

7. No need for frequent release film LCD perishable parts.