Canada's first 3D-printed masonry wall on display in Toronto

3D printed building display

June 21 - A research team from the University of Waterloo's School of Architecture has created what is believed to be Canada's first 3D-printed masonry wall. Named Hive, the modular wall consists of 175 unique 3D printedclay blocks and was commissioned by SDI Interior Design on behalf of its client, the Investment Management Company of Ontario (IMCO). It is now used as a permanent exhibit in the reception area on the 24th floor of the company's office space at 16 York Street in Toronto.


The project combines traditional ceramic and computational design methods with the productivity of extrusion-based additive manufacturing to create a honeycomb structure that is both strong and material-efficient. Crucially, the honeycomb wall exploits the natural properties of the clay print material, using its wet state fluidity and ductility to shape the geometry and surface quality of the cells.


The honeycomb wall in the IMCO office space. Image from the University of Waterloo.


3D printing in architecture and construction

David Correa, an assistant professor specialising in bionic architecture and one of Hive's researchers, believes that 3D printing has a bright future in the world of architecture. The unparalleled geometric capabilities of additive manufacturing allow users to create an almost unlimited number of abstract geometries, paving the way for functional and aesthetic creativity in architecture. From an economic standpoint, the technology also has the potential to rapidly produce large and materially efficient structures while eliminating the need for tools and manual labour, resulting in high productivity and lower costs.


The University of Waterloo is not the first to realise these benefits, as researchers at the Technical University of Graz (TU Graz) have been studying how concrete 3D printing can save significant amounts of material and CO2 for many years. Specifically, a team at the university's Institute for Structural Design recently turned to 3D printing to create concrete elements that are much lighter than traditional construction panels.

Back in April, Dutch construction company Aectual worked with UAE-based architecture studio Pragma to create a 3D printed recyclable pavilion for the 2022 Flower Fair. The UAE pavilion covers 8,880 square feet and contains a 3D printed façade and surrounding walls reflecting the claustra pattern, a typical architectural feature seen in the urban environment of the UAE.


Close up of the honeycomb wall. Image from the University of Waterloo.


Hive's art project

The Hive development team reportedly used an iterative design and fabrication process in which digital and physical models were combined to create the masonry units and overall wall design. According to the designers, they had to develop their own clay mixture, specifically for 3D printing, and extensively test the materials and create several model components to investigate the feasibility of the build. The geometry of the masonry units was designed by calculation.


On closer inspection, each 3D printed clay unit is hexagonal, but they combine to form triangular blocks. The entire wall is described as a series of holes that open and close, resulting in a tidal wave of privacy and light - abstract features that only the design freedom of 3D printing technology can achieve. In the project documentation, the team writes: "This approach embodies the spirit of traditional ceramic craftsmanship with robotic precision, offering a new approach to material expression and geometric complexity in the field."

The Hive project was born out of a research partnership between the University of Waterloo and IMCO. It has also received technical and financial support from the Masonry Engineering Council of Ontario.