Can be built in a day, 3D printed nucleic acid testing kiosk goes live in Nanjing

3D printing is now entering various fields, and it can often personalize and print out many unexpected products in a short time, but have you ever seen 3D printed houses? Recently, a number of 3D printed nucleic acid testing kiosks were officially put into use in Lishui District, Nanjing. One day to print the basic components of a house, and then spend just a few hours can be assembled, today take you to understand the production process of 3D printed nucleic acid testing kiosk.

"Because the epidemic was more serious around the country at the end of April, the demand for nucleic acid testing was also relatively large, so the idea of using this technology to build nucleic acid testing kiosks was born." The person in charge, Mr. Wang, introduced to the reporter, "At that time, we donated 5 3D printed nucleic acid testing kiosks for free, all of them were put in Lishui District. Just think of making more contribution to the society, as a company also want to take more social responsibility."

In the production plant, two exquisite small houses stand in front of the reporter, the nucleic acid sampling kiosk is about 3 meters high and covers an area of about 10 square meters. Unlike other houses, the patterns on the walls are clearly visible, and the combination of different shapes and textures of the paintwork adds a sense of sophistication to the hut.

Talking about the construction process of 3D printed nucleic acid testing kiosk, Mr. Wang said, "We are the first to use the computer to design, and then the model into the 3D printer, in layman's terms, the raw material of the ordinary printer is paper, while our printer uses the raw material is specially treated to contain special additives of concrete." The reporter saw at the scene, 3D printing of nucleic acid testing kiosk is not built up like a wall, but the use of different components of the patchwork combination. Considering the light weight and easy transportability of the nucleic acid testing kiosk, the 3D printed nucleic acid testing kiosk is only printed out of the perimeter walls, the roof and the doors and windows are made of iron.


Mr. Wang said that the 3D printed nucleic acid testing kiosk can basically print out its components in a day, and then transport the components to the destination, and two or three hours to assemble it. "These are done in the factory, and then carried to the site for assembly, relative to the traditional building still has certain advantages." Not only that, 3D printed nucleic acid testing kiosk can also be changed at will according to the site, "wait until the end of the epidemic, we can also 3D printed nucleic acid testing kiosk components disassembled, according to the different ways of assembling transported to other places for other purposes."

"The cost of building a nucleic acid testing kiosk is about 1,500 yuan per square meter, and the total construction cost of a nucleic acid testing kiosk is just over 10,000 yuan." Mr. Wang said the 3D printed nucleic acid testing kiosk can currently last 10-20 years. According to Mr. Wang, 3D printed nucleic acid testing kiosks are widely used in the future if needed. At present, in addition to the 3D printed out nucleic acid testing kiosk, also built 3D printing separate isolation square cabin, but has not yet been put into use.